Search results

  1. S

    Rain Dance! That ought to help the lakes!
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    Found some old footage of capn kirby
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    mini hydro

    Saw this on the side of the road. Didn't find anybody to talk to about though.
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    calling captian Hazlewood found you something for your boat
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    unique Sanger with 2 SBC
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    Look at this ugly thing
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    Cheap nitrous parts
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    UFO over DFW

    What is this?
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    Message from Donnie 3-24

    Donnie is having a GTG Sat 3-24 night starting about 5pm. We will have some ribs, venison, and chicken legs on the grill. If you would post up if you're coming... he's trying to figure out the head count for food. And if you can bring something for the grill or a side that would be good.
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    new movie clip

    Imagine the pleasure of blasting the double parked beemer driver.
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    Seriously.... WTF

    So I went to get the battery charger out of the boat. I had left it there since the Tawakoni Regatta. Discovered somebody needed the boat battery more than I did. They had to pull the cover, lift the engine cover, cut the battery cables. Then they put the cover back on. All to steal a battery...
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    Drill a square hole? video
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    Dallas Morning News read on Lake Lavon water

    Hey Sr. get your Indian buddies to give us some water! Dallas-Fort Worth area faces obstacles in tapping Oklahoma rivers...
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    3-16-11 Car Show Richardson

    Looks to be a decent show, I've been persuaded to enter the Camaro. If anyone is interested...
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    boat fails

    James made it at 1:44 lol
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    Captain Hazelwood: heres your v drive
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    Last Mohican might NOT be the only mohican

    Somebody else in Dallas must have a poncho jet boat.
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    another cool boat for sale
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    Lake Lavon Sat/Sun 3-12 3-13

    I plan on hitting the water this weekend to get her wet, do a little testing. Either day is fine is with me. Post up if you're interested.
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    Dinner/Drinks Wednesday 3-16

    Anna is out for spring break and was hoping all could get together.  We are going to Main Street Liquid Company at 115 Main St. Richardson TX 75080 at 7. It's more bar than restaurant, but I'm more drinker than eater so it works out. Hope to see you...