new project runner bottom

actually its one of those 20 ft. paint jobs, but we aint changing anything till we run it and see how it rides. trying to get ready for the water we will be at the winternats. for the show and shine., that water is a little too chilly for me, one time at WNats i stayed in the water with the hydro cause i forgot the damn anchor, sure was cold, not this time.


New member
HellinnFrnt said:
Deans boat has taken two years.

Due to circumstances beyond our control Dean's boat that was ALMOST ready to go in the water has been relegated to the it'll sink section..large hole under the bunk when I went to swap trailers today.Took 2 batteries and 2 .. 500 gph bilges to switch trailers .... MY BAD ... I'll never buy another boat without floating it first ... Anyone got something made for an OLDS  ???  Thats FREE  remember now I got 2 trailers .. Don't need no parts just a effin hull that don't need anymore F'n work and paint can go stuff itself ...seriously .. if ya'll don't help me out either Dean or Randall will be driving my Sanger this spring .... and I'd rather GIVE IT AWAY than let Dean drive it ... wink wink nudge nudge ... OR someone can buy the Sanger for 9500 and I can fix Dean's boat.Your choice ... finest example of a Native Sanger I could find in Texas ... cost you at least 10.5k in Cali. then ya gotta get it here ..ya'll have seen the pics or in person ...
your sanger is much better than this boat james, atleast you know what yours is mine is a 1980 home made, why you talking about selling the sanger? i found a hull for free in winnie texas no title but i can go look,  it is listed over on setx trader page on facebook, also my buddy has a bunch of boats in huffman texas name is keith graves, a bunch of jets and a few v-drives.


New member
Randall its looking real nice love the look of those cragars on the trailer. 

James I can keep a look out for you but sounds like Randall has some great suggestions.  How bad is the hole in the hull?  most things can be fixed.


Staff member
Knotty said:
Patchman said:
Did she suspend your pilots license? I think Kat did the same to Tim! :smile26:

She was going to fire her driver,  :smile25:
Well I guess this means we will be seeing her drive her boat this year? jump.gif