76 continental


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itsjohny said:
Ok boat has been out on the back burner the past month, work has picked up a ton.. which isnt something im going to complain about the way times have been! I did a good bit of work on the trailer today, got my steps and fenders welded on today. Going to go back tomorrow night a clean up some of my awesome welds then its headed to the painter and going to bring the boat home so i can start putting the ol girl back together!! Hopefuly have it on the water this summer!! :smile16:
It s good that work has picked up for ya.

It's even better your getting back to your boat.  Hope to see it out there.


New member
well tryed posing pic, didnt work. Got the trailer back today looks pretty good few flaws but hell its a trailer. Guy did some pretty nice pin strips for me bcas his helper needed practice


New member
Sweet  how much more practice doese he need I have two trailer I want done my boat trailer and my 16' flat bed ?  Well without pic I bet it does look good.  How far you out from being on the water?  JULY 4th is going to be a HELL OF GOOD TIME IN HAWK COVE then make our way over to 429 for the show.  Put a lawn chair or milk crate in it and bring it out...


New member
One vote for MILK CRATE!



New member
Finished the trailer today, got all the bunks carpeted and fender cover on and carpeted. Went and loaded the boat up, it looks awesome on the trailer. I'll post pic soon but my comps messing up may take a bit. 

Happy 4th be safe!


New member
Ok sooo It has been about 3 months.. but seeing all those bad ass boats this weekend has got me going again. Im going to make a list of everything i need so I can check it off 1 by 1. Really dosnt need much.. Just my lazy ass to get going!!



New member
For gas tanks I found a old no title boat on craigs list ( http://dallas.craigslist.org/ftw/boa/3294979443.html ), going to contact him and see if I cant measure the tanks. Then if they will fit see how he feels about parting out. Then I would have two imco ( or imco like ) tanks if anyones interest?


New member
I might want the imco tanks if they are reasonably priced , just let me know when you find something out .


New member
SPD said:
I might want the imco tanks if they are reasonably priced , just let me know when you find something out .

Any idea how much those ones im looking at in that boat are worth? If those tanks do fit prob same as what I pay for them. Ill prob go by there this after noon and ill let you know what happening.