3rd annual lake Whitney poker/fun run


New member
Yeah, I've actually been through 3 since the last time I saw you. Lol  I have a Howard runner-bottom at present.  We'll that's kind of a stretch of the truth. I own a Howard but about everything but the driveline is scattered all around Stacy's shop at S&J marine. We took it apart today for a little cleanup job so I can get a fresh start on the season. Looking forward to spending some time with you guys again this year!!! jump.gif


Active member
I hear ya. Not including the Cole (which doesn't really qualify as a boat yet either) I have been through three of them myself. I think I have the (family boat) I will end up keeping for a while so I will have something to putt around on the water in but I'm still trying to clear my plate enough to get back on  Bucketlist so I can have some real fun! Like you said "maybe before the century is over".  LOL!  Maybe we will get to meet up again sometime this year, I'm needing a new t-shirt! LOL!!


New member
Stacy and I were talking about that the other day. I still bear the scar and think about that every time I get near the plates. Lol


New member
Trigger said:
Yeah, I've actually been through 3 since the last time I saw you. Lol  I have a Howard runner-bottom at present.  We'll that's kind of a stretch of the truth. I own a Howard but about everything but the driveline is scattered all around Stacy's shop at S&J marine. We took it apart today for a little cleanup job so I can get a fresh start on the season. Looking forward to spending some time with you guys again this year!!! jump.gif

So are you going to have it up and running this summer Brian? Mine might be disassembled just a little farther than yours at this point.....  :smile25:


Active member
FL350 said:
Like to welcome American Brick and Stone for their sponsorship for the poker run!

That payout is going to be HUGE!

:smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13:


Staff member
FL350 said:
Like to welcome American Brick and Stone for their sponsorship for the poker run!

That payout is going to be HUGE!

:smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13: :smile13:
Yes sir, a full cube of brick! :smile14:


The poker run/fun run  is still on for October 6-8. Talked to Trey and he's already getting ready for a great fish fry.

73 Sanger Flat

Active member
i will watch from Steel Creek since Plowman will be closed , Might have to drop the flattie in and make some passes while I am there ..



Active member
Brazos River Rat ( Billy ) said:
i will watch from Steel Creek since Plowman will be closed , Might have to drop the flattie in and make some passes while I am there ..

That's a good thought.  It's also hard to pass up Trey's cooking too.


Talked with Barb at Indian Lodge and they are excited about the poker run and fish fry. Rocky is going to the marinas on Saturday and get things squared away on the card stops.


New member
Sounds like a lot of fun. The wife and I are thinking we will make this our final boating weekend for the season. Going to look at getting a room on my lunch break before she changes her mind.


We now have $500 in the pot and not one hand bought yet. Thanks to the sponsors: S&J Racing and Marine, American Brick and Stone, Kirkalnd Marine, R&I Contracting, Haggard Plumbing.
Hands are going to be purchased are $20 (yes you can buy multiple hands!) More details to come.