Thursday Night Concert By The Lake 2012


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Prob be couple more weeks till we are ready to roll.  Trying to get two boats put togather and have time to fix another.  Looked like a good crowd when I was on my way into work.


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This week, May 17  Clay McClinton – Texas Blues

Not a real fan of country, but some of these Texas guys are pretty good. Plus with beer, food, and a thousand people around it's a great party.


New member
Dang it all.. If it weren't so damn windy I would be on the way. They got classic rock playing tonight. Unfortunately Ray Hubbard has 4 foot swells today. You can almost surf under the I-30 bridge!!


New member
already took off work plan on going for sure...  I think couple other are as well.  IT was DEAD tonight guess everyone is going to hit it big next week PARTY HARDY !!!  jump.gif


Heck ya the wid did....saw Hubbard yesterday and there were huge swells going on!!

Unfortunately I won't be there next Thursday. I'm going on a boy scout camp out with my son in three weeks and have to take a Youth Protection Course before I can attend.

Besides the Crusdader wouldn't be ready....I'd have to take the Whaler.


New member
My son will be getting his scouting education from his dad at various lakes around Texas that are crammed full of jet boats all summer long.


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Taking my Son on a scouting trip also going to show him the ropes how the scout out  for women and he is only 5 LMAO  jump.gif


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Crusader said:
Heck ya the wid did....saw Hubbard yesterday and there were huge swells going on!!

Unfortunately I won't be there next Thursday. I'm going on a boy scout camp out with my son in three weeks and have to take a Youth Protection Course before I can attend.

Besides the Crusdader wouldn't be ready....I'd have to take the Whaler.
Cliff I have already been through that course it's a pece of cake if you can stay awake.

Last Mohecian

Crusader said:
Heck ya the wid did....saw Hubbard yesterday and there were huge swells going on!!

Unfortunately I won't be there next Thursday. I'm going on a boy scout camp out with my son in three weeks and have to take a Youth Protection Course before I can attend.

Besides the Crusdader wouldn't be ready....I'd have to take the Whaler.

Man times have changed.  I can't believe you have to get some sort of cert to go on a boyscout camp with your son.  No wonder kinds these days can't think for them selves.


It's pathetic guys. The "nanny state" is in full effect. I guess we aren't responsible enough to take on a little self responsibility.


New member
It's because of the gay crap back in the 80's. The scouts got a real black eye from that. That's why Edward will never be part of it. Education is the second best way to prevent it. Not taking part is the best.

Don't get me wrong. I was in it for 5 years growing up. We had this kick a$$ Copenhagen chewing scout master that packed heat on every camping trip for a while. We happened across a rattlesnake hiking the Mogollon rim in AZ. He shot and killed it and it was around his cowboy hat the next morning. We had a couple of pieces of crap leaders too that should have been screened before let in.

I had a fairly good experience with the scouts, but I can and will pass down everything I learned on to Edward without the assistance of a pedophile.

In 1991 the BSA officially banned openly homosexual people from being part of the organization, but it has been fought many times.

The policy since 2000 now is pretty much "don't ask, don't tell". Screw that. Edward will NOT be in it.

Last Mohecian

There was a day not so long ago when kids didn't get as sick because we ate a little dirt once in a while.  You leaned how to swim by being thrown in the lake.  You knew how to avoid a perverts because you heard stories about the littlest Cub Scout taking one from the biggest Boy Scout.  It's not going to kill you to get a little pee in your hash browns because the cook didn't wash his hands after taking a leak.  In this day and age of antibacterial soap and Youth Protection Courses I like being that guy that is a little unfiltered.  It gives parents something to point and and tell their kids "You don't want to be that guy."


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Last Mohican said:
It gives parents something to point and and tell their kids "You don't want to be that guy."

That me talking to Edward pointing at Cliff's kid... LOL

Just kidding, there's been a few that both me and Cliff told our kids that...