Thursday Night Concert By The Lake 2012


New member
Alright Lavon Amigos and other Northies!!

The Rockwall summer series Concert By The Lake schedule has been released. It looks like a few bands from last year will be back. Professor D was a pretty kick A$$ show last year. I missed the Bon Jovi one, but will be there this year.

Hopefully we can get a couple more good jet boat nights in this year also. They have about 50 slips there for boat parking. Open containers ARE PERMITTED in the amphitheater area. Cops are there to maintain the peace and keep said open containers from leaving the area. Some of the harbor restaurants will let you call in an order and deliver to the boat docks. The bands start playing at 7:30, but the slip are usually full by 6:30.

That's right, it rules living in north Texas!

If ya'll never been there here's a vid from two summers ago.


New member
Sharkbit said:
Summer can be so tough. Have to go to the lake on Wed, Thurs, and Sun. ;)

Motor Head said:
Don't  forget Saturday!  :smile16:

X2 on Saturday. I don't know if you've ever gone Chad, but Saturday afternoon at party cove on Hubbard is wicked. That's where I met Bobby the first day I had my boat on the water. We like to hit up Friday night on Ray Hubbard when we can also on the Garland side.


New member
Sounds fun.... but I have to get something done at some point. Saturday is usually the day Anna and I will bumrush all the chores to be free for Sunday. I'm sure we could be convinced to come out though.


New member
Saturday on the lake at party cove is not one I live for, but if we wanted to go as a group a couple of times we could make that happen.


New member
jump.gif  jump.gif  jump.gif  YES SIR this is one of the best things about having a boat.  Have had many good night at the concert and rough mornings  :smile28:.  But I will be there as well.  Might not make all of them but will try to make the best ones Im sure we will have a good group going this year.


New member
Thursday May 10th is the first one.

It's a big band group so I may pass. Depends on the boat and the Mrs. I guess.


New member
YEAP  Im not going to make this one.  May 24th might be a good one to go too its classical ROCK.  Then after that is Bon Jovi cont.  Band