Capping A Hot Boat


New member
I've see a few where this is done and it looks really slick. Just wondering how it's done? On most of our boats the rub rail gets screwed or riveted to the boat holding the top and bottom half of the hull together. How do the two halves stay together if you cap it? Counter sink the holes, put in screws or rivets, glass over them? The Continental is bitchin' hull that would look sweet capped.


New member
glass it togather, smooth the outside and paint or re-gel it. donnie capped his old boat back in the mullet days.


New member
James like Andy said glass the two halfs but you will have to glass from the inside as well all the way around and the outside.  Just FYI  next time you see TOM at the lake look at his. the white and purple swtd it was capped and its cracked all the way around.  Its not all the way threw but it is cracked.  But yes they look slick when done right ! 


New member
I was reading on that last night. SOME boats come laminated on the inside from the factory, most are just tabbed. If it is you can just flapper wheel the outside smooth, fill the holes, two layers of glass strips, block is smooth, filler the pin holes, prime and paint.

I've seen Tom's. It's real nice.


New member
I did my TX 19 and it looks great but you really have to be careful around docks and other boats. You have to remove the rub rail first then go around the groove with a grinder and v it out. I then feathered the top and bottom to get some good glass. I then glued the cap on with vette bond old style. The vette bond is stronger than fiberglass and flexes without cracking. I sanded and fared this out and did two wraps of 6 ounce bi-directional glass sanding and between each wrap. Once complete blend and prime. The vette bond helps seal and glue plus it fills in all the holes from the rub rail. It takes time but really looks nice when done right. The picture is my Youngblood after capping and paint.


New member
That looks awesome Randy. I checked the Continental and it is fully laminated on the inside. It does seem like a lot of work that can get damaged very easily.