We need to clear the air on policy

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New member
There has been some things happen at the last couple events that are PRIVATE in nature and they need to Remain private restricted to the people involved. They will not be made public and aired out for public consumption on these Forums. (That's what PM's are for. ie Private Matters) This site was created as a family PG site that even our kids should be able to log on and enjoy. The things that have occurred are not kid friendly and do not reflect well on Texas Hot Boats. Everyone involved needs to understand and ask themselves how long Bill will allow THB to endorse and sponsor events if these things continue to happen at THB Events.

From this point forward if anyone refers to these private matters in any form on the open forum the guilty party will be banned immediately, No discussion, no appeal, no warning.

I'm sorry it had to come to this, but the drama has to stop before we destroy what Bill and lots of others have worked so hard to create.


If anyone feels the need to respond  to this please do it by PM addressed to  Cookieman, DuaneHydro, And Esabataj.


Same thoughts here. We don't need all that on the board. How does that look to someone checking the site out for the first time? We're all here to make friends and have good times. Anybody that doesn't want to abide by the rules will be kicked out of the party. Seems only fair to me.
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