Sommerville Event/ Welchfest/ Rockin the Cove


New member
Assuming Sommerville doesn't flood for the entire summer is there any interest in reviving the old Welchfest/Rockin the Cove event? I believe it used to be in August.


Active member
Was out there last Saturday.. Yegua and Rocky are open..
Would be nice to have an event down here again..
I miss the old Bay City Rally one too...


Well-known member
Saw a couple pics from ya'lls day out there, lake looked great. I see you got your old boat back too, that's cool man!


Active member
It's been quite a while since I've been to an event so it would be good to see all you guys again.

Seems like Henry was racing every freakin weekend last year !!  and seems like his team is half of you guys on THB...hahaha


New member
So Ed you did get your old boat back, cool! That's a nice boat.  Mine is still the same old POS, but I'll come hang with you at Somerville, let me know when you are going.