I need some help


New member
Does anyone know if you can find a boat if you have the HIN? Me and my dad are looking for an old boat of his and we was wondering if there was any other way besides calling ppl it was sold to.?


Active member
Yep.  I think.  :huh:  If you get the boat history report, it should show the last registered owner.  I think it costs like $40.  There's a few boats that I want to get the history on that I haven't done yet.  Let us know if you use the service and if you like it. 


You might try this site and see if it helps..like carfax


New member
It just told if it had been in a wreck or there was a lien on the title or something.. i wish there woulda been a lein on the title cause maybe it would say who it was... and it tells you where it was made but nothing that would help me find it... i give that site a  :smile14:


New member
We have a car dealership... so we do a lot of stuff with the tag office so maybe i can get them to see if they can find who the title was last rigistered to


Well-known member
Do you know or recall the TX numbers on the boat? Texas Parks & Wildlife can tell you the last registered owners if you can give them the TX numbers.... For a small fee of course. :rolleyes: :grin:

What's wrong with asking the people ya'll sold it to?