FYI - San Jac THB's

Cheyenne Kid

New member
Some of the Law Enforcement came up to me on the bank at Love's last weekend and ask me to pass this on...  so I am.

They generally are happy with our group of hot boaters because they rarely have any problems out of us. However, here lately there have been a couple of instances of some going a little too fast and and gunning their motor where the nose pops out of the water when there is other boat traffic around. They didn't mention any names but mentioned a jet and and outboard.

So just a reminder....  PLEASE mind your P's & Q's on the water because they will stop you and check your life jackets, fire extinguisher etc... and possibly give you a ticket.

Just wanted to post this in hopes of keeping in good with our Law Enforcement on the river.  :smile27:
