

Well its been a 6 month process but it finally came through.  I got the confirmation last week and put in my two week notice today.  I'll be starting my new job at DuPont Sabine river works Dec 3rd.  NO MORE SHIFT WORK.  After 3 1/2 yrs offshore and another 4 1/2 doing shift work at the current job, the new M-F 6:30-3:30 will be a change but I'm sure it'll be nice.  Already cant wait for next summer to get here so I can enjoy my weekends off.  Just thought I'd share



Working those hours might be a shock to your system bro!!! Congrats on the new job, having nights and weekends off is great for you, the family and your Hot boating habit!!

Again, congratulations!!


New member
JPT said:
Thanks guys. And Randall, trust me, you dont want my old job.
maybe I do getting tired of mine was almost thinking of going to work with my brother in law in the oil fields.  A little manual labor never hurt anyone.


True, but I didn't mind the labor at all.  It was all the overtime working nights, weekends and our supervisor is what made me want to look for something else.


New member
JPT said:
True, but I didn't mind the labor at all.  It was all the overtime working nights, weekends and our supervisor is what made me want to look for something else.
Yeah same here it's always the piss poor management that seems to make people want to leave their jobs.  One thing if I ever get my ideas and company off the ground that will be different.